The Values

Engaging with the values of the eeVAL framework better prepares you to co-create evaluations that lead to more just, inclusive, and healthy partnerships, programs, and communities. As you read through these descriptions, consider the following questions: How well are these values embedded in your practice? Where are opportunities to integrate them more fully in your work?

Explore The Values


bright colored paint in cans

Six core values describe what we hold most important in practicing eeVAL. These values were co-created by a community of EE practitioners, evaluators, funders, and academics. They are informed by an existing culturally responsive and equitable evaluation (CREE) framework (Hood, Hopson, & Kirkhart, 2015), and are tailored to environmental education.

These values will evolve over time, as evaluation practices become more inclusive of the voices and experiences of people who may hold the least power among us, including members of non-dominant cultural groups, youth, practitioners, and non-degree holders.

Explore the values and consider opportunities to embed them into your work.

Equity in Motion

Use equitable evaluation policies and practices to contribute to just outcomes.

Authentic Engagement 

Advance collaboration, inclusivity, capacity building, and civic action.

About Authentic Engagement 

Deep Curiosity

Use multiple perspectives and methods that are responsive to local cultures, histories, and traditions.

About Deep Curiosity 

Ongoing Journey

Support continuous growth, examine assumptions, and celebrate ideas at both the individual and organizational levels.

Quality Redefined

Balance the technical mechanics with the socio-political and ethical considerations that impact individuals and communities.

About Quality redefined

Shared Learning

Allow for learning to be shared beyond organizations and networks to convey the multitude of evaluation processes, stories, and impacts, and to benefit the field broadly.

About shared learning


Blooming red poppies

Collective Evaluation

Evaluation can be improved in the community by planning and implementing with others who share similar missions, outcomes, and/or goals.


Bamboo forest

Explore the Evaluation Process

Investigate how the core values can be incorporated into your evaluation process.


squirrel on tree holds nut in mouth


The resources provide references, ideas, and inspiration to inform and support your application of the eeVAL framework.

Contributor Acknowledgement: Karyl Askew, Spirit Brooks, Charlotte Clark, Liz DeMattia, Charissa Jones, Jean Kayira, Libby McCann, Luciana Ranelli, Ashlyn Teather, and Noelle Wyman Roth

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