Launching Your eeVAL Journey


paint brushes on a palette

To embark on your eeVAL journey for evaluating a program or initiative, ground yourself in the eeVAL values. Each process below provides reminders for applying the eeVAL values, plus links to tools and resources. It helps to reference the values regularly during your eeVAL journey.

Your Process

There is no “right” starting point. To meet the evaluation goals, the evaluation can focus on specific processes. It is not realistic to implement all processes at the same level of engagement. Many factors influence how you apply the processes. While it might look linear ‘on paper,’ these processes are continually refined and revisited. What is key is that participants and community members share in the decision-making process, especially in the early stages of the evaluation design.

Elements in the Evaluation Process

A. Build Equitable Relationships

Learn about the people and context of the program to be evaluated.

Build Equitable Relationships

B. Describe Program Design

Articulate how your program is designed and clarify its intended results.

describe program Design

C. Co-Create Evaluation Plan

Co-create a shared vision for what your evaluation will accomplish.

Co-Create Evaluation Plan

D. Collect & Analyze Information

Co-design the method of inquiry and analysis approaches that are appropriate for your local context.

Collect & Analyze information

E. Communicate & Share

Inspire and inform others by sharing what you learned from your evaluation.

Communicate & Share

F. Use & Improve

Embrace what was learned and take steps for continuous improvement.

Use & Improve


Blooming red poppies

Collective Evaluation

Evaluation can be improved in the community by planning and implementing with others who share similar missions, outcomes, and/or goals.


Children observe bugs

Explore the Values

We encourage you to investigate how each value is incorporated into the evaluation process.


squirrel on tree holds nut in mouth


The resources provide references, ideas, and inspiration to inform and support your application of the eeVAL framework.

This work acknowledges:

  • Contributor Acknowledgement: Charissa Jones, Luciana Ranelli, Spirit Brooks, Jean Kayira, Karyl Askew, Libby McCann, Charlotte Clark, Liz Demattia, Noelle Wyman Roth
  • Critical Review and Comment: Steve Braun, Rachel Szczytko, and Katie Navin 
  • Culturally Responsive Evaluation Framework (Hood et al., 2015; Askew et al., 2012)
  • My Environmental Education Evaluation Resource Assistant (MEERA) (Zint, n.d.)

Learn more about the eeVAL values and resources.

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