Acknowledging that environmental education has yet to become a truly inclusive movement, we hope that eeVAL will create more just, inclusive, and healthy partnerships, programs, and communities. It is a framework, informed by culturally responsive and equitable evaluation (CREE), for building capacity to evaluate, learn, and improve as a community.
The environmental movement has been deeply rooted in society’s colonialism, racism, patriarchy, heteronormativity, and ableism. Despite these historic barriers, the environmental education community increasingly recognizes the value and contributions of diverse individuals and groups. Accordingly, evaluation of environmental education must also embrace such diversity.
Values and Goals
eeVAL was co-created by a community of EE practitioners, evaluators, funders, and academics connected by their commitment to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion, and belonging in environmental education. eeVAL honors individuals in both EE and evaluation who have laid the foundation for culturally responsive and equitable practices.
The Values
Six core values describe what we hold most important in achieving cultural relevance and equity through eeVAL
Explore the Evaluation Process
Investigate how the core values can be applied to create more just evaluation processes.
The resources provide references, ideas, and inspiration to inform and support your application of the eeVAL framework.
Please share feedback or suggestions as you explore and apply the ideas and resources on this site.