Contributors and Collaborators

A community of people and organizations contributed their knowledge and experience to the ideas and information presented on this site. We are especially grateful to the following for their contributions to developing much of the content: Karyl Askew, Steve Braun, Judy Braus, Spirit Brooks, Charlotte Clark, Esther Cowles, Liz DeMattia, Charissa Jones, Jean Kayira, Talatha Kiazolu-Reeves, Libby McCann, Luciana Ranelli, Lydia Sellers, Ashlyn Teather, and Noelle Wyman Roth. And special thanks to Katie Navin and Rachel Szczytko for providing critical review and comment.

We would also like to acknowledge the following sources for their contributions to this work.

Click each photo to find out each person's favorite thing about evaluation.

Karyl Askew smiles for a headshot with a tree in the background.

Karyl Askew, PhD

Owner and Principal Consultant, Karyl Askew Consulting, LLC

My favorite thing about evaluation is that it creates connection and understanding. These relational aspects bring clarity, shared purpose, and transformative potential. 

Nancy Bales laughs and points both her pointer fingers to her left.

Nancy Bales

Executive Director, Gray Family Foundation

Evaluation enables us to know where and how we can improve and grow. 

Rachel Becker Klein smiles for a headshot while she leans with her hands intertwined in front of her.

Rachel Becker-Klein

Two Roads Consulting

I love working with organizations to help them articulate their goals and figure out how to measure progress towards these goals. 

Steve Braun smiles for a headshot.

Steven Braun

Evaluation Consultant, eeRISE LLC; Oregon State University Extension Outdoor School

My favorite thing about evaluation is co-conspiring for learning, and great inclusion and equity. 

Judy Braus

Judy Braus (she/her)

Executive Director

Evaluation helps us think more clearly about the impact we're having and how we improve or enhance our programs. It also helps us reflect on our practices and makes sure that we're meeting our goals, including centering equity in everything we do.

Spirit Brooks smiles for a headshot.

Dr. Spirit Brooks

Research, Evaluation, and Assessment Coordinator, Oregon Outdoor School Program

My favorite thing about evaluation is the shift to more culturally responsive evaluation practices that center community and context, and are more collaborative and participatory. As an Indigenous evaluator I am also excited about growing the field of culturally responsive Indigenous evaluation. 

Nicki Cagle stands for a headshot.

Nicolette L. Cagle, PhD

Associate Dean of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion; Senior Lecturer in Environmental Science & Policy, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University

Evaluation is another form of reflection. It's the opportunity to hear from community members, learn from them, and get inspired! 

Erin Carroll smiles for a photo.

Erin Carroll

Masters Student, Antioch University of New England

My favorite thing about evaluation is the continuous learning that comes with the collaboration and community. 

Charlotte Clark smiles for a headshot.

Charlotte Clark

Associate Professor of the Practice, Duke University, Nicholas School of the Environment

My favorite thing about evaluation is the way that the process makes assumptions and process explicit and transparent. 

Corrie Colvin Williams smiles with a large green bush behind her.

Corrie Colvin Williams

Owner and Independent Consultant, Blue Lotus Consulting & Evaluation, LLC

My favorite thing about evaluation is sharing the lived experience! 

Liz takes a selfie with a tree and house in the background.

Liz DeMattia

Research Scientist/Director of Community Science Initiative, Duke University Marine Lab

My favorite thing about evaluation is working with community partners to improve EE. 

Lauren smiles for a photo with a blurred large white stone building in the background.

Lauren Gibson

PhD Student, North Carolina State University

I enjoy working with project partners to figure out what questions we really want to ask about a specific program or initiative. I love the evaluation process forces you to dig deep into what your goals are and what it would look like to achieve them. 

Charzy Jones smiles for a headshot.

Charissa V. Jones

Outreach and Inclusion Coordinator, Oregon State University Extension Outdoor School

My favorite things about evaluation are that it truly is for everyone (now, it hasn't been implemented in this way, but it is for all of us) and that it can be a great accountability tool that drives improving relationships we have with partner communities, the research, and ourselves. 

Jean smiles for a photo while leaving an office, holding papers and her purse.

Jean Kayira

Faculty and PhD Program Director, Environmental Studies, Antioch University of New England

My favorite thing about evaluation is the opportunity to bring positive change in a manner that authentically engages collaborators and addresses issues of power, privilege, and equity. 

Woman is wearing a blue shirt and smiling for a headshot with tree bark in the background

Kathayoon Khalil, PhD

Director of Engagement, Zoo Advisors

I love how evaluation empowers us in making informed decisions to improve our practice. We're passionate about what we do, and evaluation helps us do it better!

Libby smiles for a headshot with grass in the background.

Libby McCann

Faculty & Director, Environmental Education, Environmental Studies Department, Antioch University New England

I love learning, collaboration and leaning into my growing edges, especially when it comes to cultural humility, equity, and inclusion. Evaluation is all about continuous learning, curiosity, collaboration, and authentic engagement across cultural contexts. My favorite thing about evaluation is witnessing positive social change happen on so many levels- personally, programmatically, organizationally, systemically, and beyond. Evaluation is where it's at! 

Eileen Marritt smiles for a headshot.

Eileen Merritt

Research Scientist, Virginia Tech

Evaluation gives me a window into creative and inspiring EE programs. I enjoy teaching and learning from others when we reflect on data together. 

Martha Monroe smiles for a headshot against a stone wall.

Martha C. Monroe

Professor and Associate Director, School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences, University of Florida

Evaluation is another engaging, interactive, learning strategy. What can be better than that?

Katie smiles and holds a sign that reads "I AM CAAEE." in front of a stone building.

Katie Navin

Executive Director, Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education

My favorite thing about evaluation is the story it tells about the incredible ways that environmental education is powering up learning and sparking engagement in the places we live, play, work, and learn. 

Bob Powell smiles at the camera while holding his backpack over one shoulder.

Bob Powell

George B. Harzog, Jr. Endowed Professor and Director of the Institute for Parks, Clemson University

My favorite part of evaluation is that provides an opportunity for individuals and organizations to systemically learn about what works and what needs improvement. 

Dan Prince smiles for a headshot outside with trees in the background.

Daniel Prince

Associate Director, Friends of Outdoor School

I love it when evaluation can bring the perspectives of youth into program design and improvement that reflects youth priorities and needs. 

Luciana smiles for a photo while resting her arm on a wooden fence.

Luciana B. Ranelli

Educator Coordinator, Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve

Evaluation is an opportunity for making change apparent to and participatory for educators, learners, and beyond-as individuals and as groups. That opportunity is my favorite thing, in addition to embedded assessments that flow within a learning opportunity.

Gabby Salazar smiles for a headshot with leaves in the background.

Gabby Salazar

Doctoral Student, University of Florida

My favorite part of evaluation is the data review process. I love reading through participant responses and trying to understand patterns in the data. 

Marc Stern smiles for a photo in a conference space.

Marc J. Stern

Professor, Virginia Tech

I love using evaluation to help organizations to think creatively about improving their programs based on real evidence. 

Kathryn smiles for a photo in the woods while on a hike.

Kathryn Stevenson

Associate Professor, NC State University

Evaluation gives us all a way to get to learn about each other, our passions for this field, and how our work can make the world better. I love getting to know organizations, the people that run them, and the things that feed their passion. 

Rachel smiles for a selfie while kayaking.

Rachel Szczytko

Environmental Education Program Associate, Pisces Foundation

My favorite part of evaluation is data analysis. Specifically that moment when you come across something that surprises you and taking that surprising finding, sharing it out, and applying it to improve practice. Then-measuring again!

Kelsey Tayne

Kelsey Tayne (she/her)

Postdoctoral Researcher

My favorite thing about evaluation is working collaboratively to understand people's experiences and perspectives more deeply.

Ashlyn Teather smiles for a headshot.

Ashlyn Teather

EE Project Coordinator, Duke University

My favorite part of evaluation is learning with and from community partners. 

Nell Tessman stands a headshot.

Nell Tessman

Program Officer, Gray Family Foundation

I love that evaluation, especially evaluation done with an equitable and culturally-responsive approach, is about self-awareness & positionality, curiosity, and reciprocity & accountability to each other and our communities. 

T'Noya Thompson smiles for a headshot.

T'Noya Thompson

Consultant, NAAEE

I love that evaluation gives us the information to tell the story of our work and how e can better the work for lasting impact. 

Kristen Travers smiles for a headshot in front of a bush.

Kristen Travers

Conservation Stewardship and Partnerships, Delaware Nature Society

My favorite thing about evaluation is that it prompts us to be reflective and ask questions of ourselves. 

Noelle Wyman Roth smiles for a headshot in black and white.

Noelle Wyman Roth

Research & Evaluation Analyst, Social Science Research Institute, Duke University

I love helping partners improve their programming through data-informed decision-making. I hope to contribute to a more sustainable and equitable world through this work. 

Michaela smiles for a headshot.

Michaela Zint

Associate Dean & Professor, School for Environment & Sustainability, University of Michigan

Evaluative thinking is a way of evidence-based learning that helps our programs and us as individuals to be the best we can be, both of which are essential to addressing the complex sustainability and education challenges facing us. 

Nancy Zuercher smiles for a headshot with vines in the background.

Nancy Zuercher, MA

Senior Catalyst, Point b(e) Strategies

I love working with organizations to evaluate their programs. Evaluation helps organizations understand their constituents, develop more focused programs, and ultimately better serve their community. What's not to love?